5000 Ramadan package check online

The Government of Pakistan has introduced the 8070 Ramadan Relief Package 2025, aiming to provide financial assistance to low-income families during the holy month of Ramadan.5000 Ramadan package check online This initiative offers eligible households a cash grant of Rs10,000 to help alleviate economic burdens during this period.

5000 Ramadan package check online Eligibility Criteria

  • Citizenship: Must be a Pakistani citizen with a valid Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC).
  • Program Registration: Should be registered under the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) or the Ehsaas Programme.
  • Exclusivity: Must not be receiving financial aid from any other government relief program.

5000 Ramadan package check online Registration Process

Eligible individuals can apply for the relief package through two primary methods:

  1. SMS Registration:
    • Send your CNIC number (without dashes) via SMS to 8070.
    • You will receive a confirmation message regarding your eligibility and further instructions.
  2. Online Registration via Web Portal:
    • Visit the official Punjab Socio-Economic Registry (PSER) website.
    • Enter your CNIC and mobile number to create an account.
    • Complete the registration form with accurate details about your income and family size.
    • Submit the form and await verification.
5000 Ramadan package check online
5000 رمضان پیکج آن لائن رجسٹریشن کا عمل چیک کریں۔

اہل افراد دو بنیادی طریقوں سے امدادی پیکج کے لیے درخواست دے سکتے ہیں

ایس ایم ایس رجسٹریشن

اپنا CNIC نمبر (بغیر ڈیش کے) SMS کے ذریعے 8070 پر بھیجیں۔

آپ کو اپنی اہلیت اور مزید ہدایات سے متعلق ایک تصدیقی پیغام موصول ہوگا۔

ویب پورٹل کے ذریعے آن لائن رجسٹریشن:

آفیشل پنجاب سوشیو اکنامک رجسٹری (PSER) کی ویب سائٹ ملاحظہ کریں۔

اکاؤنٹ بنانے کے لیے اپنا CNIC اور موبائل نمبر درج کریں۔

اپنی آمدنی اور خاندان کے سائز کے بارے میں درست تفصیلات کے ساتھ رجسٹریشن فارم مکمل کریں۔

فارم جمع کروائیں اور تصدیق کا انتظار کریں

Disbursement of Funds:

Once approved, beneficiaries can receive the Rs10,000 assistance through various channels:

  • Bank Transfers: Funds will be directly transferred to accounts in designated banks such as HBL, UBL, and Bank Alfalah.
  • Mobile Wallets: Beneficiaries can access funds through mobile banking services like Easypaisa and JazzCash.
  • Ehsaas Program Centers: Those without bank accounts can collect their aid from designated Ehsaas Centers.
  • Union Council Offices: Final verification and fund collection are available at local government offices.
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Additional Benefits:

In addition to the cash assistance, the 8070 Ramadan Relief Package includes subsidies on essential food items such as flour, sugar, pulses, ghee, and rice. These subsidies aim to make basic necessities more affordable during the holy month.

Important Considerations:

  • Timely Registration: Applicants are advised to complete their registration promptly to ensure timely disbursement of funds. Delays in registration may result in postponed assistance.
  • Accurate Information: Ensure that all information provided during registration is accurate and up-to-date to avoid any issues during the verification process.
  • Official Communication: All official communications regarding the relief package will be conducted through the 8070 SMS service or the official web portal. Be cautious of fraudulent messages or calls requesting personal information.


The 8070 Ramadan Relief Package 2025 reflects the government’s commitment to supporting low-income families during Ramadan. By providing financial aid and subsidies on essential commodities, the initiative aims to ease the economic challenges faced by underprivileged households during this sacred month. Eligible individuals are encouraged to register through the official channels to benefit from this program.

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